"Yamato was by ni means a skilled martial artist. He had only been trained properly for a year. But he had clearly inherited some of his father`s ability with a weapon and knew enough to teach Jack the basics of kenjutsu-the art of the sword" (122)
This quote shows that even though that Yamato, the son of Masamoto, one of the greatest and powerful samurai, he is still nit very strong. Jack, in the other hand, is a boy that learns really quickly, and that is the reason why he could surpass Yamato in the means of battling like a samurai, he is even considered a gift from the gods, and a hero for everyone. He is very skilled and one of the best compared to the other people in his class where he is traning/learning more on how to be a samurai.
"Jack-ku. You have proven yourself worthy to follow the Way of the Warrior. I decree, therefore, that you are to train in the Niten Ichi Ryu, my One school of Two Heavens" (149)
This quote exxplains how Masamoto feels aboujt Jack after what he did with Dokugan Ryu, and how he defeated a ninja on his own, saving Masamoto`s son, Yamato. Doing all of these things made Masamoto realize that Jack had hidden potencial to be a samurai, so he decided to take him and his friends to Kyoto and train in his own school.
This quote exxplains how Masamoto feels aboujt Jack after what he did with Dokugan Ryu, and how he defeated a ninja on his own, saving Masamoto`s son, Yamato. Doing all of these things made Masamoto realize that Jack had hidden potencial to be a samurai, so he decided to take him and his friends to Kyoto and train in his own school.
This is the part that Jack really begins to see what he is looking for: get revenge and kill Dokugan Ryu, be a better samurai to protect his family and friends. He is now becoming really strong because of this feelings he`s got, these feelings are leading him to do the right things an finally accomplish what he really wants.
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